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Is The Pelican School right for your child?

Enrollment Process

Have you been searching for an alternative to traditional education for your child?

Are you hesitant to send your young child to a school all day, every day?

Do you desire to preserve your child's sense of wonder and awe as they begin their formal education?

Is your child having trouble thriving in a traditional classroom setting?

Do you value a highly individualized and intentional education?

Do you believe that learning about the world and learning about God should be mutually inclusive?

Apply to The Pelican School today!

Our Enrollment Process

We believe the success of our school is as dependent upon working with like-minded families as it is upon the attentiveness of the teacher. It is for this reason that we have a carefully thought-out enrollment process that helps ensure the success of each of our students.

1. Complete the Application as thoroughly as possible: this is our first impression of you and your child!

2. Have an unrelated adult who knows your child well complete the Reference form.

3. Schedule an interview and tour of the school room.

4. Upon approval, sign enrollment documents and submit $250 deposit to reserve your student's place.



Tuition for the 2024-2025 school year is $570/month, August-May, plus a $200 materials and supplies fee that is collected during the enrollment process. 

Tuition is paid on the first of each month beginning on August 1st, with the final payment due May 1st. 

Because The Pelican School chooses to operate as a small collective of like-minded families, timely tuition payments are integral to the success and sustainability of the school. 

Ready to begin the Enrollment process? Fill out the Application and take the first step toward your child's call to Greatness!

Get in Touch

The Pelican School is located in

Sioux Falls, South Dakota

Thanks for submitting!

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